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Charged Cars that Would Charge

March 10, 2010

Author Unknown

The title is pretty confusing, isn’t it? Well, the idea came from both the demand for electric cars and the problem from not being able to send enough electricity to a household fast enough. The problems were that one day we are going to run out of petrol, and when we do we’ll have to resort to electric cars, and since more and more people have more and more electric devices in their house they need electricity faster. So AC Propulsion (a company that works on electric cars) came up with a solution that could solve both problems. Basically, this electric car was like most electric cars, you plug it in to a power supply and when it’s got enough electricity, you take it for a drive. But that’s not very convenient since gas stations aren’t called electricity stations for a reason, so the only place you could refuel was your own house, limiting the places you could go. But with this version you could just plug it into the nearest pole that hold power cables and while you’re doing your shopping or watching a movie your car would recharge, for FREE! Now you might not believe in free electricity, you might not see how this explains the title, and you might not see how this helps other households. So here is how, while you’re charging your car, a part of the electricity that goes into your car goes out of it again, giving the power cables a boost and sending electricity faster, so it helps you, the environment, and the guy who need more electricity for his computer and plasma TV.

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