

Guiding Question: What are the factors that affect the appearance of impact craters? How do scientists use craters to tell the relative age of them

Hypothesis: I think that the weight and temperature will affect the appearance of the crater.

Ruler (cm/mm)
Meter stick

Mark 30, 60, 90, and 200 cm on a meter stick. Then, put the ruler vertically inside the tray full of flour. Then take your marble and drop it into the flour at 30 cm. Then repeat this process 3 times for 30cm drop. Record the diameter of the hole in flour the marble made and also how deep it is. After that repeat this process for the other drop heights.

Data Table
On next post

In this experiment I discovered that the higher drop height of the meteor the deeper hole it will create, however the diameter of the hole is not affected by this. I think that this is because a meter will burst on impact, while our marble won't. The deepness of the crater is affected by the speed of the marble and the speed of the marble is affected by the height it is dropped from.If the marble was dropped from an even higher place the crater would not increase in diameter, but will increase in depth until the point that the marble is so deep that the hole it makes will collapse on it.

Further Inquiry
I think that this experiment went relatively well and there aren't many ways to improve it, however I think that we should have tested even bigger heights to see if there is a difference, also I think that we could have measured the crater more accurately.

Current Events

Black Holes

On March 28 astronomers got the first glimpse of of a dormant black hole become live. Scientists think that the explosion of a couple stars caused it to restart. If this black hole sucks in a star, it could stay live for another 1000 years. If this happened to the dormant black hole in the Milky Way were to start Earth could be in danger. However that is highly unlikely.

The black hole is sucking in a large amount of gas and jetting it out again. If the black hole in the milky way started, that is also what it would do, except that the jet of gas it is expelling would be 40 times stronger than the jet of gas the other galaxies would be.

However, this is not actually the first time this has ever been caught on camera. This was done at 3 other occasions but Nasa's Swift satellite caught it minutes after it happened, while on other occasions they caught it days or weeks later. Maybe that is because they are so far away. This one in fact is 3.8 billion light years away.