Current Events

Japan Earthquake

At 2:30 pm in Japan a 9.0 earthquake on the Richter scale set off a massive tsunami that hit the coast of Japan, completely flooding villages and damaging a nuclear power plant. The damage will cost the Japanese 25 billion dollars to repair and that is not even counting the damage to the nuclear power plant. The earthquake causes such a massive force that the earth was moves slightly in its orbit, and the day slowed down by microseconds. An estimate says that over 500 thousand Japanese citizens will be affected by this earthquake and the number may still grow if more help does not arrive soon enough. The damage has forced Japan to shut down electricity to prevent further damage. Help is arriving with more supplies but now the main problem was disease because of the dirty water. This is the biggest natural damage that has happened to Japan for over 100 years.

Japan is one of the most prepared countries in case of a tsunami, but this one completely caught them by surprise since no one expected something of this scale, and this was a large flaw in their tsunami warning system because the people were too at ease. This was also a large contributer to why so many building were swept away and so little resources are left. Another problem is their nuclear power plant, the meltdown Chernobyl consisted of one nuclear reactor, if Fukushima gets out of hand the meltdown will consist of 6 nuclear reactors. This is one of the biggest disasters in history.

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