Food Inc

I think that after seeing food Inc, that there are many beneficial things in nature, and if we try to change those things to make it more efficient. It doesn't always work. For example, with mass food producing companies who have more power then the government, food producing companies don't have to care much if any law is made to stop using chemicals or to animal rights. Consumer choices can help though because even though food producing companies have mare power than the government, to stay there they would have to have lots of consumers. Therefore if the majority of their consumers want something changed, they'd have to change it or face the problem that no one will buy their products.

How the Earth is used will affect us because the 6 billion and something people all share only 1 world. If we deplete all our recourses and put chemicals in all our food, soon we would be in complete chaos. All means of transportation would stop working other than bicycles, roller scats, horses, and our own shoes. Most people in Earth would have diabetes or some other kind of low nutrient high calorie sickness. Mass food production companies are well aware of this problem, but all they ever try to solve the problems with is more technology, which sometimes might improve the problem but mostly just makes a new problem.

Natural farming is when you give the organism an environment which has all its needs, but it takes longer until you can harvest it and it will be more expensive and usually have less edible parts. It'll taste better, it'll be healthier, but most people can't afford it. Industrial farming is when you find the cheapest, fastest, way to get an organism to harvesting stage which will have more edible parts. All big food producing companies will use chemicals to achieve their goals but those chemicals are still a new invention and the faults haven't been fixed yet. This can cause sicknesses and will get some people allergic. But because its cheaper most people prefer it over natural farming products.

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