Green Plastic

In this video we saw the comparison of the normal everyday plastic, to environmentally plastic. Or is that so. Everyday plastic like your average bottle will outlive for many years in landfills. Causing air and water pollution. These everyday plastics are made from crude oil. But crude oil pollutes the air and water. Crude oil is also a fossil fuel, which means it will soon run out. On the other hand, the "Green" plastic can be put in compost bins and it's made from corn, sugarcane, and sugarbeet. But is that really the "Green"? The facts are that planting these crops require fertilizer and many other chemicals It also requires lots of land.. It also need fuel to be harvested with tractors and shipped to factories. Then those factories use electricity, which usually comes from fossil fuels. Then, putting plastic in compost bins while they slowly break down. But while they are in compost bins they release carbon dioxide. And most countries don't have compost facilities. So bio-plastic is thrown in landfills and then they release methane. So bio-plastic pollute just as much as normal plastic does.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you answered the reflection questions in one big block,instead of the small questions! Good Job!
